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Post  Admin Fri Sep 28, 2012 8:07 pm

"Never run away from the corrupt society rather stay in it and remove the corruption"By Sohail Hasham

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Post  solesoldier Sun Sep 30, 2012 4:33 pm

normally we see people escaping from a society that has lost its morality and discipline. People tend to settle in a peaceful society where their needs and demands will be fulfilled without compromise and in the process the latter remains rotting in its own evil. Being deteriorated and becoming worse. If this goes on every place in the world will become unsafe because you cant stay safe forever. There will be ups and downs in every area. That is why it is better to stay in it and remove these evils before other areas fall victim to this same fungus and it becomes difficult for us to remove it altogether. Life is not always a bed of roses and so we cant expect something to get better on its own let alone helping to make it better. At now there are lots of dangerous places in the world. The well settled people of the area and who can afford it, shift to safer locations and leave behind the helpless with them. The literate who have the power to make a change and revolutionize the society escape out of their so called "prisons of despair" and make a living elsewhere, also benefitting their new homelands. If this continues on, we cannot expect the society to be better in the future.
The Prophet (p-b-u-h) himself had to face many persecutions along with his companions, but with his iron strong will he never gave up. Shows why he returned to Makkah after its conquest. There he laid down the foundations of Islam and relieved the society of its corruptions. Same with Hazrat Yunus (alayhe salam) when he gave up preaching islam to his people and was trapped unharmed in the stomach of the fish
And [mention] the man of the fish, when he went off in anger and thought that We would not decree [anything] upon him. And he called out within the darknesses, "There is no deity except You; exalted are You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers.So We responded to him and saved him from the distress. And thus do We save the believers. (21:87-88)

Therefore it is also concluded that Allah does not like breaking out of a corrupt society. Guiding to the right path is more important for us and it will not only benefit the world but also us in the hereafter

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Quote 5 Empty Re: Quote 5

Post  solesoldier Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:53 pm

Note: this explanation is on behalf of our senior member ushio Xsempre(eternal hope) since she could not post her work due to internet problems

The society is abrupt. It cannot be unaffected all the time, and peace cannot remain intact. The world as we know it changes just as people change in the process of life. In this regard the society sometimes gets a burst of evil encounters, which affect people, and they are forced to leave their positions in it. The people who go through every thick and thin to heal it are scarce and thus we are left with a weak support. People want others to do things while they themselves remain hidden, afraid that they might not get involved in the commotion. What is the outcome then, “no hope”. Due to this people leave their areas and tend to shift to peaceful ones and then criticize, because that is what they can do for the least. Instead of making the society better for the future they take the easier route for the other one maybe difficult but is more effective to do so.

The prophet (p-b-u-h) himself had many hardships. Thorns were put on his path, rubbish thrown at him, insides of a camel put on him while he was prostrating, his followers tortured in the scorching heat of the desert sand, but even after all of these brutalities he was successful in conquering Makkah on the basis of Islam. This just shows how Allah supports his followers when they are determined on solid hope and will. May Allah grant us such will too to make our society a better place (Ameen)

Note: this explanation is on behalf of our senior member ushio Xsempre(eternal hope) since she could not post her work due to internet problems

Last edited by solesoldier on Mon Oct 01, 2012 10:53 am; edited 2 times in total

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Location : you can find me in my cave

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Quote 5 Empty "Never run away from the corrupt society rather stay in it and remove the corruption"

Post  Therealmrlegendary Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:03 pm

adviced not to leave a corrupt society and join a better one. but instead stay in that society and fix whats wrong with it. regularly most communities are fully satisfying but at the current years we witness many countries suffering from their goverments and are not given full rights. so ...

How to remove the corruption.

if a certain society is corrupt, either its the goverment or the people in the society, you could protest of what is displeasing you and demand for salvation, if you are not going to be aggressive and be peacful you are likely to get what you want, if you dont then further action to be taken might be needed. especially if the goverment is corrupt itself, then things might grow to be a reveloution against the goverment, which is the thing to do with rotten corrupt presidents and must give others their full rights and must demand for his own


why not run away from the corruption and just live in another stable one? its because its the right thing to do. to not take the easy way out and run away, but to stay and struggle for the better good. to both the people and the country leaders. you can change corrupt leaders and help them see whats wrong and what is right, and teach the ignorant of the people in your area and guide them to the straight path, either of those can help.

Examples of current corrupts in our societies.

There are plenty of people who are thieves, they believe what they are doing is ok as long as they dont kill innocents, but they dont know that prophet Muhammed 'Peace be upon him' said: "when a thief steals, he is not a believer at the time when he is stealing; and when a robber robs and the people look at him, then he is not a believer at the time of doing it." so no matter what they believe, they are corrupt and wrong. another example are people who commit illegal sexual intercourse ( Rape ) and from the same hadith above: "When an adulterer commits illegal sexual intercourse, then he is not a believer at the time he is doing it" and such a thing is common in our current societies, sadly only few of us try to remove that corruption, and a whole lot dont really care what happens if they get what they want.

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