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Post  Alonsow Sat Nov 24, 2012 7:32 am

"Look at yourself, you are being an example in which a body is strong and all cells, tissues and organs in it are damaged" By Sohail Hasham

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Post  BaberKhanShahbazgarhiwal Sat Nov 24, 2012 4:31 pm

Hey, I need a bit explanation for this quote..

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Post  Admin Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:14 am

Asalam Alaikum, This quote has very deep meaning.It is about the Muslims of today.They think what they're doing is good for them but that just makes them good superficially and their acts kill them inside.For example, the Muslims of today are dishonest and unjust.They use wrong means to accomplish their goals and remain busy in their bad deeds.When they get any benefit from doing wrong things, they think that they are winners and have won what they always wanted.Winning their goals and gaining what they desire for isn't actually the real victory but for them It is.They remain busy in fun and the pleasure they get from fun seems too good to them that they forget the fun is nothing except that it is a way to hell.Likewise, They lie many times to get rid of bad conditions and when they get rid of them, they think they are the winners, they have won and they're experts or tremendous liars.But the things that actually make them think high aren't actually high and these things are as much low as much they consider them high.These things lead to the hell.
Example of Hypocrites :-
When the hypocrites deceive other people for their personal gains and benefits, they think they are doing what is right and beneficial to them.But the gain is beneficial only in this worldly life and has no benefit in the Hereafter.Rather their gains in the way of attaining their personal benefits lead them to the Hell.Their deceptions make them broken inside and they look very good person externally.These kinds of people may look strong but their inside is in tatters.
Worldly Life and Hereafter :-
There's no doubt that those people who use wrong means to attain their personal benefits make their worldly life good but their Hereafter gets as worse as much their worldly life becomes good.By using these kinds of means, they attain what they want and get successful in making their world according to their internal desires.They start thinking that this life is their real home and they have to make it more and more beneficial to them thus they remain busy in trying and hitting their heads against the wall.These efforts are enough good to envelop them in the darkness of this world which seems as a light to them.But their worldly life becomes more and more good as much as their Hereafter becomes more and more worse.


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Post  BaberKhanShahbazgarhiwal Sun Nov 25, 2012 5:33 pm

Ahan I see... We nowadays are too busy with our outer appearance and never look onto how our inner self looks like. While trying to improve our bodies, we have already become dead from the insides. Our heart are long dead, black and roasted. The blood in our veins are madup of cells whose nucleus is destroyed. Cell plasma is wasted, cell membrane is roasted. Our heart, mind, thoughts are no more concerning the light of life. We think darkness is what make us cool. We want to be hot, while forgetting the warmth of life.
Sorry to all of you, and thanks. I might have forgotten something important. I always wanted to be warm and gentle. I wanted to be someone who is friendly and keeps good relations. I wanted Allah to be happy with me, and let people of the Earth know the warmth and goodness of ISLAM.. I wamted to spread Islam...but I don't know what happened, I lost that will.. I forgot my goal. I was just too consumed with worldly tasks.. For my own selfishness, I think I made alot of people sad... I really went up to sky where there is nothing for me to stand unto... I can already feel I will fall someday... Thanks, I remembered my goal again now... I will harden my inner self now. I will make my each cell that regualtes through my arteries and vien, vowing the name of Allah. I will spread Islam, to my 360 directions. I will live up to my goal. Jazakallah, Thanks again.

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Quote 10 Empty Re: Quote 10

Post  ushioxsempre Sun Nov 25, 2012 8:34 pm

So, just like Sohail explained it, this quote talks about the muslims nowdays. The way they are different from the muslims of the old times.
“The generations of those days were blessed with glowing hearts and an affectionate setting. Unyielding security and peace ruled everywhere. Mobs, anarchy, tyranny, deep state, unsolved murders… these crimes that we experience so much today were unknown to those generations. They were foreign words, for order, harmony, justice, and mercy prevailed in their realm.” – Fetullah Gülen
People of those days stayed away from crimes, illegall things, drugs, cheating. They were all as one single body, in which also the cells, tissues and organs were strong and healthy. The people acted on forgiveness and courage, breathed with sacrifice and sincerity. They were on a straight track with a clear road map in their hands.

Whereas the muslims nowdays, are way different from them. They are affected by the new capitalism system, who try to divide the muslims, and not let them be a single body, and urge them to do bad deeds. And this way, the unmuslims are reaching their purpose, to divide muslims, but we should not please them by doing that, we should rather stay all together, and be strong and not to let them beat us.
Muslims nowdays, just like Sohail said, they do lie a lot. By lying, they think that they will be saved by this or that thing, and is Satan who makes them think like that, he lies them. While if they said the truth, then that surely would be the best for them, but surely if they would tell the truth that is the best for them, even though they don’t realize that.
The Prophet said, "Whoever has the following four (characteristics) will be a pure hypocrite and whoever has one of the following four characteristics will have one characteristic of hypocrisy unless and until he gives it up. 1. Whenever he is entrusted, he betrays. 2. Whenever he speaks, he tells a lie. 3. Whenever he makes a covenant, he proves treacherous. 4. Whenever he quarrels, he behaves in a very imprudent, evil and insulting manner."

Also nowdays, they spend lots of time watching TV or surfing, the internet and forgetting about their real duties as muslims. Or even pray late, or are lazy about praying. They do spend lots of hours watching lots of things, but when it comes to the Namaz, which lasts only for some minutes, they listen to the Satan. And I can tell this by personal experience.
[Iblees] said, "My Lord, because You have put me in error, I will surely make [disobedience] attractive to them on earth, and I will mislead them all. Except, among them, Your chosen servants." (15:39-40)


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