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surah al an am

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surah al an am Empty surah al an am

Post  Blazekun Sat Jan 05, 2013 1:16 pm

1 [All] praise is [due] to Allah , who created the heavens and the earth and made the darkness and the light. Then those who disbelieve equate [others] with their Lord.

2 It is He who created you from clay and then decreed a term and a specified time [known] to Him; then [still] you are in dispute.\

3 And He is Allah , [the only deity] in the heavens and the earth. He knows your secret and what you make public, and He knows that which you earn.

4 And no sign comes to them from the signs of their Lord except that they turn away therefrom.

5 For they had denied the truth when it came to them, but there is going to reach them the news of what they used to ridicule.

6 Have they not seen how many generations We destroyed before them which We had established upon the earth as We have not established you? And We sent [rain from] the sky upon them in showers and made rivers flow beneath them; then We destroyed them for their sins and brought forth after them a generation of others.

7 And even if We had sent down to you, [O Muhammad], a written scripture on a page and they touched it with their hands, the disbelievers would say, "This is not but obvious magic."

8 And they say, "Why was there not sent down to him an angel?" But if We had sent down an angel, the matter would have been decided; then they would not be reprieved.

Posts : 6
Join date : 2012-11-02
Age : 25

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